Sunday, September 4, 2011

Home Improvement : Painting and Decorating - DIY or Local Tradesman?

The main reason people embark upon redecoration of their homes or workplace is to freshen up how their space looks, whether for enhanced enjoyment of the rooms they inhabit or for purposes of selling a property.

Painting and decorating covers a multitude of different possibilities and can provide any look you could want. With the proliferation of large DIY stores most of the trade supplies are available to the enthusiastic home owner as well as a multitude of innovative treatments, finishes and fittings, plus the tools to carry out the jobs.

If you decide to carry out the work yourself there is a great deal of satisfaction to be gained, and often (but not always) large monetary savings. The extra cost is of course in your time, but if this makes the project a source of enjoyment and satisfaction or makes it affordable, then of course it can be worth it.

Do beware though that not all jobs are suited to the amateur DIY enthusiast and those requiring technical knowledge or a specific skill are usually left to the professional, as very often a better job results at a lower cost.

Many jobs, although made easier by more manageable products for the DIY market, can still take many times longer doing it yourself and rarely result in as good a finish. There is also the prolonged mess and upheaval involved in completing the task over an extended period of time.

For a long-lasting and smooth looking result the key factor is preparation. This can take many times longer than the actual finishing, but is essential to doing the job right.

If you look hard and honestly at the total picture, in many cases a lot of people will conclude that getting in a professional is the best answer. Any professional painter and decorator will have a number of methods and processes that he will use to ensure a solid foundation to the actual finish that is eventually applied.

When selecting a painter it is a good idea to go by recommendation either personal or from one of the web sites that vet such trades and publish their recommendations.

These days the job of the professional painter and decorator is a far more responsible one. With greater levels of regulation and consumer expectation, the tradesman has to be far more thorough and take more responsibility for the overall standards of the work he carries out, and the impact upon the building he is working in. He must for instance ensure that no damage can be cause to existing décor elsewhere, and that he is fully insured for any mishaps that might occur.

Charlotte Savollis has spent many years improving homes using both DIY methods and extensively employing trades people. She has subsequently built a web site to recommend local trades and business's. For more information regarding painters in Bournemouth or other local areas visit the In Bournemouth Local Area web site.

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

How to Buy the Cheapest Outdoor Fountain

Do you want a high-quality outdoor fountain for a rock-bottom price? Such fountains are an outstanding choice when you want to improve the aesthetic and monetary value of your home or office building. While such fountains can sometimes virtually last forever, they can also have a high price tag. Here are some

helpful tips for finding cheaper fountains:

1. Choose a human-made material

Some popular choices include concrete and (artificial) resin. The prices of such substances tend to be much lower than those of natural rocks, including limestone, bronze, and limestone. The tradeoff is that the human-made materials usually dirty and crack more easily. However, they're still an excellent outdoor fountain choice if you don't mind cleaning the fountain more often, or a higher risk of it cracking in certain situations (i.e. freezing temperatures). Basically, if you want a moderate-quality material that's easier on the wallet, then concrete and resin are wise choices.

2. Shop around

In particular, use the Internet to compare more fountain models and prices. Searching online can help you to compare more fountains faster, which will exponentially boost your chance of finding the lowest price on Earth. If you find a particular fountain make and model that you simply must have, then compare a minimum of three stores that carry the outdoor fountain, to guarantee that you won't be paying the highest price for it. That said, if you can compare 30, 300, or 3,000,000 prices of the same model, then by all means do it!

How to Buy the Cheapest Outdoor Fountain

3. Choose a small, basic fountain

The size of the fountain that you choose will have a significant impact on its cost. This isn't to say that it's the only factor that determines the price tag. However, choosing a smaller fountain will likely reduce the price of the décor quite significantly. Also, choose a design that's basic rather than ornate.

4. Install the fountain yourself

In these post-Great Recession times that we find ourselves in, most of us are looking for ways to live more frugally. One of the most effective ways is to install the outdoor fountain yourself. Most fountains have a basic water-pumping system, and require minimum excavation before installing them. So if you're up to the Do It Yourself (DIY) challenge, then consider saving some bucks by installing the mountain yourself. The money that you save will likely be worth the time and effort you'll spend.

How to Buy the Cheapest Outdoor Fountain

5. Buy a solar-powered fountain

To make a new twist on an old saying, "You have to spend money to save money." Solar-powered fountains have a higher price tag than electricity-powered fountains do. However, they can lower your monthly utility bills, and thus basically pay for themselves quite quickly. That's a good thing. These fountains are definitely a wise investment since the décor will likely last for years upon years.

6. Forgo the extras

For most of us, there's a difference between the outdoor fountain that we want, and the fountain that we can afford. What's one to do? If you're on a tight budget, then consider choosing a basic fountain that doesn't have all the perks that you'd probably like to have. While you won't get the Lamborghini of fountains, you will have saved a small fortune that the extras would have cost. The key is to separate your wants from your needs. After doing that, you can still end up with a durable and attractive fountain.

About the Author

Tina Foreman has been a freelance writer for several years. She has written about numerous topics, including outdoor decor.

For more info about outdoor fountains visit: "6 Common Materials Used to Construct an Outdoor Fountain "

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