Monday, February 7, 2011

Livingroom remodeling :Decorating Tips to Liven Up Your Living Rooms

Living room have different functions - a place for entertaining guests and an important space for family leisure bonding activities such as watching TV, playing board games, reading and many more. For whatever purpose the home owner wants it to be, isn't it nice and appropriate to design, arrange and come up with a lovely and pleasurable living room?
Typical living rooms often have at least one sofa, two chairs, center or side tables, ornaments, and some other pieces of furniture. However, you can make your living room to best that it can be by having some time to rearrange and change a few of it like the furniture.
Living Room Basics
• Space. Leave enough space or room for anyone to walk around and transfer from one spot to another part of the room. Moreover, it would be more "child friendly."
• Center Point. Determine the room's center point and from it, you can start putting other features.
• Themes and Colors. Consider having a theme or color coordinated design or set up. This will give positive feedback and impressions from your guests and will push you more to constantly arrange it. However, please remember that the color that you will choose must compliment the shade of your house. You can make the room more warm and lively though by adding versatile and neutral colors.
• Inspiration. If you have this idea but cannot exactly put it in a picture, go to Google and look for millions of designs and interiors. Or look for home interior magazines and make a note of the ones you liked to follow. 
Livingroom remodeling : Decorating Tips to Liven Up Your Living Rooms

Livingroom remodeling : Decorating Tips to Liven Up Your Living Rooms

• Size Matters.
Furniture and Accessories
Furniture must be comfortable, inviting, and easy to maintain especially if you have kids around. To achieve a contemporary look, use a wood based furniture such as wicker rattan sofas, bamboo or parquet and a wood flooring to match. This will bring out the simplicity and elegance of your living room. If you have no enough space for whole living room set, don't worry. You can just use the sofa and some throw pillows, about 2-3 small pillows and one large pillow. You decide on what color tone and designs to use that will match both the sofa and the pillows.
Don't put unnecessary living room furniture items. Use the ones that you think have a great contribution and use. For instance, bean bags, coffee table, a small desk for books, magazines, and CD collections are use frequently. To make it more fun, perk up the room with a vibrant bouquet of flowers in a vase. An overhead lamp is not a bad idea after all, a lovely add on instead. Liven up the whole room with additional wall ornaments, paintings, or have your own creation of wall decorations.
Rearranging and redecorating the living room is not an easy task but it is very rewarding. Plan and test out some different looks until you finally get hold of the look you wanted. Think, imagine, and put it in reality.
Sophia and her team have been giving advices and reviews on a wide range of high quality, natural wicker sofasand who are also experts on providing the best quality products.

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